Top Document Sharing Features

Document sharing is an integral element of a variety of business processes. It could be shared files between internal teams, or external documents that are sent to prospective customers and clients. It’s not just about providing easy access to files – every excellent document sharing platform should have a number of important features.

Whether you’re a small-scale entrepreneur or a multinational corporation, choosing the best document sharing software is essential to maximize productivity. That’s because not everyone is skilled in technology, so selecting a tool that is easy to use by everyone will save time, reduce frustration and boost performance.

One of the main features of a excellent document-sharing software is the ability to support various file formats. This removes the need for conversion and lets everyone easily access and edit documents. In addition, the best online file sharing platforms also offer robust search functionality which can be used to find specific documents quickly and efficiently.

Choose a platform that integrates with other tools like CRMs, email and other project management apps. This allows your team members to utilize the same platform for all their tasks, and enhance workflows by reducing the need for switching.

You can keep track of which documents are being opened by using a platform that tracks and tags documents. This can eliminate anxiety of sharing documents and ensure that important documents are not lost. Some platforms let you look up a list of screens of all participants at the bottom of the chat during real-time collaboration.

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